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Dental implants are standard for patients looking for stable, durable, and natural-looking teeth replacements. Since dental implants replace your tooth from the crown to the root, they act, look, and feel like natural teeth. Moreover, dental implant restorations at Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry in Clearwater, Florida, support your smile for life when well maintained.

Dr. Beata A. Carlson and associates will discuss dental implant maintenance and care to ensure your restorations are worth the investment.

Taking care of your dental implants

Although dental implants have a success rate of over 95%, failure can happen. Fortunately, there are preventive steps you can take to avert implant issues. Even better, most of these steps are within your control, so you are in control of maintaining your dream smile.

Diligently brush and floss your teeth

It would be best if you didn’t slack in your oral care routine after your implant heals. Optimal oral hygiene ensures your implant investment keeps giving back. Dental implants can be infected like your teeth, so the importance of vigilant oral hygiene can’t be overstated. Brush your teeth twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brush carefully around the implant crown to dislodge harmful bacteria and food debris.

Floss daily, preferably before bedtime. If your dentist recommends oral care products, adhere to the instructions. Like all positive routines, sticking to it for the rest of your life becomes easy once you establish a healthy care routine after dental implant treatment.

Consider a custom mouthguard

Do you constantly grind and clench your teeth at night? Bruxism could be the culprit, and it can dislodge your implant if not managed. A custom dental splint prevents the upper and lower teeth from getting into contact, protecting your implants from bruxism-induced pressure.

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Remember routine dental check-ups

During routine dental visits, we can quickly establish when your implant has an issue and devise corrective care before it’s too late. We recommend bi-annual dental exams to prevent, detect, and treat dental issues before they advance. Furthermore, during routine check-ups, we professionally clean your teeth to remove built-in tartar to free your mouth from gum disease and tooth decay.

Avoid smoking

Smoking can do a lot of damage to your oral health, including dental implant restorations. Tobacco use increases your risk of gum disease and other complications that can cause implant failure. If you currently smoke, quit this habit promptly to preserve your dental health and overall well-being.

Best of implant dental care near me

Would you like to learn more about dental implant restorations, including maintenance? Please call 727-888-6523 to talk to Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry.

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