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How are your teeth connected to your organs?

Conditions in the mouth have a profound potential to reflect and influence the whole person’s health. Disruptions to the flow of energy through the mouth may affect remote regions of the body, and disruptions elsewhere may manifest in the mouth. These relationships result from communication between the Acupuncture Meridians and the Teeth.” – The Center For Holistic Dentistry.

The relationship between your dental health and your overall health is at the heart of holistic dentistry. In traditional medical systems, such as Chinese and Tibetan medicine, examination of the mouth and tongue is a primary diagnostic tool for gathering information about imbalances in the rest of the body. The holistic dentistry movement embraces the holistic perspectives implicit in traditional healing systems, along with the growing body of published research linking dental health issues and chronic illness.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body is home to lines of force – acu meridians also know as acupuncture meridians—that connect various organs. Different acupuncture meridians run through the teeth, and specific organs and tissues are associated with each tooth. A chart developed by Dr. Ralph Wilson (below) outlines the relationship between each tooth and its associated organs, glands and body areas.

The Tooth-Organ Relationship

Acumeridian Tooth-Organ Relationships from various sources including Gleditsch and Klinghardt ( Complied by Dr. Ralph Wilson