Holistic Dental Cleanings Refresh Revive Super Clean Your Mouth.
Holistic Dental Cleanings
Regular dental cleanings from a holistic dentist like Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry in Clearwater, Florida is an essential component to your ongoing oral health. Dental cleanings don’t just keep your teeth bright and white; they also remove bacteria and plaque that you may miss in your own daily brushing and flossing. By receiving a professional dental cleaning every three to six months, you significantly decrease your chances of gum disease and other serious oral health problems. Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry is proud to offer gentle yet effective dental cleanings that are customized to meet the exact needs of your mouth.
Our dental cleanings include an oral cancer screening, this is performed at every exam. Once a year we do an in-depth periodontal screening to prevent gum disease and maintain periodontal health.
The EMS, AIR-FLOW MASTER® For Clean Teeth
At Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry, our dental hygienist uses the EMS, AIR-FLOW MASTER® as part of our dental cleanings. This technology has revolutionized the way that teeth can be cleaned. The EMS, AIR-FLOW MASTER® is an air polishing device designed to be used with low-abrasive powders, which allows dentists to efficiently remove even the trickiest and hardest to find biofilm from the teeth and gums. Better yet, all of this occurs without causing you any discomfort!
The EMS, AIR-FLOW MASTER® is an ultrasonic tooth scaler that generates up to 50,000 vibrations per second. It can clean any build-up and leave your teeth cleaner than ever before. It’s gentle enough for all uses, even if you suffer from hypersensitivity or exposed roots. The before and after pictures speak for themselves!
Don’t Ignore the Importance of Dental Cleanings
The entire body is interconnected, which means that the health of your mouth impacts more than just the appearance of your teeth. Without regular dental cleanings, you are at higher risk of oral health problems like decay, gum disease, and early tooth loss. Strong links have been discovered between gum disease and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Regular check-ups and dental cleanings have the potential to completely prevent all of these serious health conditions by uncovering early signs of problems and immediately fixing them.
Don’t leave the health of your mouth and body to chance. Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry offers state-of-the-art dental cleaning technology to remove all signs of bacteria from your mouth and restore your oral health.
Call Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry today at 727-888-6523 to make your Book an Appointment now!
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Holistic Dental Cleanings
The doctors at Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr. Mikey, Dr. Carlson and Dr. Luo