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The colloquially known as “silver” fillings contain very little silver. They are an “amalgam” or combination of different metals. Primarily, though, they are made from a known toxin: mercury. Since these fillings are 50% mercury by weight, you must team up with a dental practice that is not only “mercury-free” but is also “mercury-safe.”

That is an important distinction; mercury-free practices do not place amalgam fillings, while mercury-safe practices also know how to remove fillings that contain mercury appropriately. As a mercury-free and mercury-safe dental office, Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry in Clearwater, Florida, has invested in the training, equipment, and supplies to safely remove silver amalgam fillings.

Beata A. Carlson DDS and Associates abide by protocols set forth by the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT). The IAOMT’s SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) includes almost 20 different recommendations for responsible dental practices to incorporate into their practices. These precautions are designed to minimize the risk of mercury exposure associated with removing silver-hued fillings.

Certain behaviors and situations increase the mercury released into the environment, including drilling out the filling. Any time the filling is heated, mercury is released higher. During the removal process, the mercury vapors and particulate matter that is generated pose a threat to the patient, dentist, staff, and planet.

We’ve provided a small sample of the ways that we minimize mercury particles and vapors:

  • The patients surrounding teeth and oral tissues are protected by a special device that captures the particles, which prevents amalgam from seeping out and being swallowed.
  • A slurry of charcoal is administered to absorb dust from the dental amalgam.
  • We use techniques to section off the filling. So, it is removed in large chunks that help minimize the particles created as the filling is removed.
  • Powerful, high-speed dry suction and evacuation techniques are used to eliminate vapors.
  • Mercury waste is correctly disposed of to prevent it from entering our waterways and presenting an environmental threat.
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In addition, we take great care to assure the patient is appropriately prepared for the process. Patients must “detox” or rid themselves of the toxic mercury that may have been present in their bodies for years. Mercury then wreaks havoc on the entire “system” (body) and organs.

The IAOMT has linked the mercury in dental amalgams to more than 200 health conditions and symptoms. Our team will provide clear instructions on what to eat, supplements to take, self-care before the appointment, and services and care following treatment.

Health and wellbeing is a journey. Let’s start the process today. Call 727-888-6523 to Book an Appointment at the practice of Beata A. Carlson DDS and Associates, Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry in Clearwater.

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