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Not sleeping well can be a severe problem. Adults who do not sleep well often chalk it to stress, children, too much caffeine, or many other factors. Many adults are silently suffering from sleep apnea. In Clearwater, Florida, Dr. Beata A. Carlson and Associates of Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry has helped countless patients diagnose and treat snoring and sleep apnea. Now, with the new NightLase® laser treatment, she can help patients treat sleep apnea without using a mouthpiece or medical device.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea occurs when a person stops breathing while sleeping. These episodes can last for several seconds and often appear many times throughout the night. Often, patients do not realize they have sleep apnea. However, in addition to being tired during the day, sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure, headaches or migraines, weight gain, low sex drive, and many other hormone-related problems.

In the past, sleep apnea has been treated with either a CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machine or a mouth guard to place the jaw into a better position for sleeping. While these treatments are effective, they can be cumbersome and uncomfortable. Now, there is another option with NightLase®.

What is NightLase®?

NightLase® is a laser treatment that sparks the rejuvenation and development of collagen in the throat’s soft tissue. It specifically targets the soft palate, uvula, tongue and nearby tissue to shrink the tissues thus increasing the airway, which leads to less snoring and better sleep. Many patients notice a significant difference in the quality of their sleep after only one session. However, most patients require at least three sessions for complete relief. Additionally, patients will likely require a yearly maintenance Book an Appointment .

Benefits of NightLase®

There are many benefits of NightLase® treatment, including:

  • Improved sleep: Adults who do not sleep well are at risk for several physical and emotional health concerns. From increased irritability and weight gain to high blood pressure and migraines, sleep is critical to your overall health and wellness. Not only does sleep apnea affect the individual who has sleep apnea, but their restless sleep or snoring can also make it difficult for their partner to have a quality sleep as well.
  • Minimally invasive treatment: NightLase® treatment is a simple procedure that does not require anesthesia, incisions, or recovery time.
  • Immediate results: Patients do not have to wait to feel better. Most report a decrease in snoring and better overall sleep following the first appointment.
  • Improved confidence: Many sleep apnea patients hesitate to seek treatment that others can see, such as the CPAP or a mouthguard. This treatment does not require any additional sleep aids.
Call Our Office For More Information

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Learning more

While most patients with sleep apnea are a candidate for NightLase® treatment, it is essential to have an official sleep apnea diagnosis first. If you are snoring, waking up tired and feeling like you have not slept at all, or have frequent headaches, talk to your dentist about an oral exam for sleep apnea. Your dentist can identify contributing factors such as an enlarged tongue or palate. You may also be asked to record your sleep patterns or consider a sleep study.

For more information about NightLase® or sleep apnea treatment, call the Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry office today at 727-888-6523.

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