When you are traveling for business or pleasure, it can be difficult to keep up with your usual daily routines. It is important that you do not neglect your oral and dental health while you are away from home. Here are some important tips to keep in mind.
What to Pack
You want to make sure that you have everything you need in a dental emergency and while you are traveling about. If you are traveling by car, you will likely only need one set of dental supplies. If you are flying, you should carry an additional toothbrush, mouthwash, and floss in your carry-on bag, so that you are able to take care of your teeth if your luggage becomes lost in transit. Keep in mind that if you are flying, all liquids and gels have to be in containers of 100ml or less. Here’s what you need:
- At least one toothbrush in a toothbrush holder, not in a plastic bag
- Non toxic dental floss
- Alcohol free mouthwash
Dry Your Toothbrush
Travel toothbrush holders are great for traveling, but they don’t keep your toothbrush dry. If you don’t allow your toothbrush to dry completely after each use, you are inviting bacteria to develop and grow on your toothbrush head. Make sure that you either have a ventilated holder or you leave your toothbrush out to dry completely before putting it back away.
Pack Some Gum
Make sure to pack some sugar-free gum sweetened with xylitol in your carry-on bag or purse. If you are on the go and don’t have time to brush and floss, chewing sugar-free gum can clean the teeth and protect them between brushes. If you will be deviating from your usual diet and eating more sweets and other foods that cause tooth decay, chewing gum will help prevent cavities. Remember, gum is not a substitute for brushing and flossing, and you’ll still need to do it when you reach your hotel.
Before traveling for an extended period of time, it is a good idea to visit a dentist for a routine cleaning and checkup. Your dentist can address any concerns you have about your travels and help make sure you are prepared. Call us today to schedule your appointment.