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As a biological dental practice, Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry complements conventional dentistry and builds upon all the positive technological and scientific advancements made in modern dentist circles. Unlike other dental practices, Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry emphasizes conservative treatment. In dentistry, that means the best tooth is healthy and natural! Today’s sophisticated tooth replacement methods, such as dental implant-supported bridges and dentures, are lifelike in their design and, in turn, appearance, feel, and function. Yet, there is no lab-made tooth that can perfectly imitate what “nature intended” in form and function.

That said, holistic tooth removal in Clearwater, FL, has a definite and essential place at Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry and in modern dentistry.

Healthy holistic extraction vs. root canal therapy

Other dental offices may promote root canal treatment as a conservative alternative to removing a natural tooth, but this therapy is not suitable for our patients. Once the internal structure of a natural tooth has been compromised by deep decay, infection, and other damage, there is no coming back from that. The natural tooth material has been subjected to an onslaught of bacteria, toxins, and trauma.

Dentists who don’t practice holistic dentistry (or who are not “authentically” holistic in their approaches to dental treatment) have long marketed root canal treatment as the only way to rescue a very damaged tooth. The procedure involves numbing the area to be treated and accessing the innermost part of the tooth (where the root canals reside). The infected or inflamed tissue in these passageways, which feed nourishing substances to the tooth and contain nerves and blood vessels, are then removed. The canals are cleaned, sterilized, and reshaped. Afterward, the treated site is refilled with a synthetic gutta-percha dental material and sealed off with adhesive cement to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth and causing reinfection.

In theory, this approach may sound great; however, root canal treatment has its limitations in practice. Even the most skilled practitioners and advanced materials are no match for the harmful bacterial colonies and toxins present in severely infected teeth. Destructive microorganisms, poisons are bound to be left behind, even after the tissue is removed, and the canals are sterilized and reshaped. Bacteria can then flourish, as your tooth can no longer feel the presence of these harmful invaders. Because the nerves that produce painful sensations are no longer present, you mistakenly think everything is fine.

Moreover, patients can be allergic to the gutta-percha material itself. The plastic and other substances used to make this filling preparation do not “get along well” with natural tissues. At Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry, only “biocompatible” materials that best replicate healthy and natural teeth are used. These materials are only used during procedures that enhance the health of your mouth and body. Root canal procedures present additional challenges to oral and systemic health; systemically, the bacteria left behind can travel to the bloodstream. They gain entry to all other systems, organs, and parts of your body.

Holistic extractions are nothing to fear!

Holistic Extractions Are Nothing to Fear in Clearwater Fl Area

Before we remove your tooth, they will plan for the most positive experience possible. We will discuss and “test” painkillers and other methods to keep you comfortable and to assure healthy healing post-extraction with you. Generally, they use surgical extraction techniques (this is not a ‘jiggle in the socket and yank’ practice!) to access and lift each damaged tooth. This approach is only recommended after your dentist has determined that the tooth is “too far gone” to be restored with more conservative, yet still healthy, techniques such as metal-free fillings, inlays, onlays, and porcelain crowns.

We use a range of products, technologies, and techniques as gentle and non-invasive alternatives to conventional sources of dental fear and anxiety, which also grind down healthy tooth structure; for instance, lasers, and ozone therapy are safe and natural alternatives to treatments that use intimidating needles, droning drills, and cutting scalpels. Laser, ozone, and other holistic dentistry hallmarks are also associated with minimal side effects and risks of complications, such as prolonged pain, bleeding, and infection.

We will also provide you with thorough instructions on how to prepare your mouth before holistic tooth removal and afterward to care for the treatment site. The clot that is left behind must be allowed to heal undisturbed before your dentist can fill the socket with a non-metal zirconia implant-supported crown. So, it is essential to take great care to leave the treatment site alone, and that means not sipping through straws or other actions and habits that could dislodge the clot.

If you are concerned about a damaged tooth (or teeth), don’t delay contacting Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry.

Call 727-888-6523 to schedule your appointment!

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