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A strange and unfortunate disconnect has long existed between the realms of medicine and dentistry. Most people view them as two separate components of health that have very little impact on each other. In reality, the health of the body and the health of the mouth are interconnected in complex and undeniable ways. A healthy body supports strong oral health, and strong oral health prevents a number of harmful illnesses and injuries. Biocompatible dentistry provides oral care that recognizes this connection between physiological and dental health, which is why biocompatible dentists take great care to maintain and repair teeth without the use of any harmful toxins.


Biocompatible Dentistry Matters: The Dangers of Mercury

Often called holistic dentistry, biocompatible dentistry considers all aspects of a patient’s physical and emotional health in relation to his dental care. A core principle of biocompatible dentistry involves protecting the mouth from exposure to any toxic materials. Unfortunately, it has been very common in America for traditional dentists to strengthen and protect decaying teeth by installing silver amalgam fillings. Amalgam fillings contain 50 percent mercury, an incredible toxic substance that can cause serious health problems to the cardiac, respiratory, nervous, digestive, and immune systems of the body. Despite the strict regulations of mercury by the Environmental Protection Agency and the banning of amalgam fillings in many other countries, the FDA still allows amalgam fillings in the United States.

According to the World Health Organization, mercury vaporizes at room temperature, and this tasteless, colorless, odorless poison is easily absorbed into the bloodstream. This means that any patient with amalgam fillings suffers from steady and inescapable exposure to mercury. As mercury vapor accumulates in the body over time, health problems can gradually form over years or decades and not manifest themselves until the problem has become advanced. Fortunately, biocompatible dentists are specially trained to remove these dangerous amalgam fillings and replace them with dramatically safer composite materials.

Removing Toxic Amalgam Fillings

The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT) recommends that all adults, except those who are pregnant or lactating, should have their amalgam fillings removed by a holistic dentist. Safe and effective removal ensures that the body does not endure any more damage from mercury exposure. Since mercury is a dangerous substance, biocompatible dentists are uniquely trained to remove the fillings with precise safety protocols. These include using a flawless suction system to eliminate all mercury vapor and amalgam particles, removing the filling in large segments to minimize toxic particulate, and maintaining a steady supply of water to the filling during removal.

In addition to the removal procedure itself, a biocompatible dentist like Dr. Beata A. Carlson and Associates in Clearwater, Florida also guides her patients through mercury removal preparation. Such preparation includes taking vitamin, mineral, electrolyte, and chlorella supplements to assist the body in its mercury detoxification process. Eating foods high in sulphur like eggs, garlic, onion, and green leafy vegetable also helps remove mercury from the system. An intravenous vitamin C treatment after removal can also assist in this process.

Biocompatible Fillings: Safe, Durable, and Attractive

Compared to silver amalgam fillings that crack the teeth can pose extensive health threats to the body, biocompatible fillings are designed to coexist with the living tissues and organisms in the mouth without causing any harm. This means that biocompatible filling materials have undergone precise testing to ensure that they are non toxic and will not cause the immune system to have a negative reaction. The biocompatible filling materials preferred by holistic dentists is a strong, tooth colored composite material made of glass like particles and resin. Composite fillings are resistant to wear, match the existing tooth, and bond strongly to the tooth structure.

Dr. Beata A. Carlson and Associates provide holistic dentistry services to Clearwater, Largo, St. Pete, and all surrounding areas. You can eliminate the threats that your silver mercury fillings pose to your body by contacting us today at 727-888-6523.

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