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It’s no secret that soda is bad for your body, but that doesn’t stop the majority of the American population from indulging on a regular basis. Studies have continually linked excessive soda drinking to obesity and type 2 diabetes, but many people with chronic cavity problems and tooth pain don’t realize just how much soda is also contributing to their mouth’s pain and suffering. The truth is, soda is dangerously destructive to oral health and should never be the beverage of choice.


Why is Soda so Damaging?

Soda is extremely high in sugar, and it is also one of the most acidic substances on the pH scale after battery acid and lemons. When you drink soda, its sugar interacts with the bacteria in your mouth to form acid in addition to the acidity the beverage already contains naturally. So much acid essentially overtakes the mouth and attacks the teeth. Every single sip of soda can cause damage for a 20-minute period, so if you sip on soda throughout the day, your teeth are constantly under siege.

Soda Causes Decay

As soda acid gets to work in your mouth, it begins by eroding the surface of your teeth known as enamel. Enamel is the white protective surface of your teeth that shields the nerves underneath from damage. When the hardness and durability of your enamel is wounded, the next layer called dentin because vulnerable to damage. This is when cavities begin to form as your teeth begin to break down and decay.

While one cavity might be simple enough to fix, heavy soda drinkers find that their oral health problems become chronic. Many people even witness their teeth breaking down so far that they can no longer chew. Eventually, teeth fall out or must be extracted to prevent further pain.

The Solution

The problems caused to the mouth by soda are entirely preventable. Just stop drinking soda! If giving up soda is challenging, then at least follow each drink of soda with a swig of water. You can also chew Xylitol gum to balance the acidity in your mouth and prevent further decay.

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