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We at Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry view dental techniques, materials, and technologies differently. We believe that oral health, smile design, systemic wellness, and wellbeing are a journey. As such, Beata A. Carlson, DDS, and Associates recognize that safe mercury removal at their Clearwater, FL office is a process. Recognizing this is just as important as it is to adhere to the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology’s protocols to safely remove mercury-containing amalgam fillings, since this treatment is designed to get you looking, feeling, and “being” better.


Dr. Beata A. Carlson and her associates treat the “whole-person,” not just his or her teeth and gums. So, they want to ensure your body is prepared for treatment. To do so, it’s essential to follow the instructions provided by your dentist. For instance, we suggest that you abstain from using Vitamin C for two days before your appointment. Vitamin C can dull the effects of anesthetic medications and increase your risk of other procedure-related complications. We encourage that you feed your body with nutritious meals beforehand.

Day of procedure

This is where you essentially lay back and relax, and where our skills as dentists and staff trained on IAOMT’s Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) protocols shine. You’ll experience many precautions that are taken to minimize the release of mercury particulates and vapors during the removal process. Researchers have found that inhaling mercury vapor is even more likely than ingesting mercury in liquid form to cause severe health problems, as more of the toxin is absorbed into the GI tract.

An amazing patient testimonial!

Post-treatment detox

Your kidneys and liver are excellently designed to filter out toxic substances, like mercury. However, chronic absorption of mercury from amalgams and into the body’s tissues can overwhelm natural filters. So, it’s vital to treat such toxicity in a holistic, comprehensive fashion. Just a few of the steps that Dr. Beata A. Carlson and her associates may recommend include:

  • Chelation therapy uses chelator medications to latch on to the mercury in your body, supporting its exit from your system.
  • Vitamin C after mercury removal supports detox and healing.
  • Consumption of foods rich in sulfur, partly to aid in the synthesis of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that protects against cell damage. Furthermore, deficient bodies in sulfur and other minerals can’t let go of mercury, which interferes with the detox process. Add natural sources of sulfur, like garlic, kale, and broccoli, to your plate.

Now that we’ve provided you with a glimpse into what to expect before, during, and after mercury removal and detox, experience Natural and Cosmetic Dentistry’s powerful and healing differences for yourself. Call 727-888-6523 to Book an Appointment at the Clearwater, FL office.

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